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What is the shelf life of Cenforce 100 Mg?
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Apr 15, 2024
3:36 AM
The shelf life of Cenforce 100 Mg, like many medications, can vary depending on factors such as the manufacturer, storage conditions, and packaging. However, in general, the shelf life of Cenforce 100 Mg tablets is typically around 2 to 3 years from the date of manufacture when stored properly.

It's essential to store Cenforce 100 Mg tablets according to the instructions provided on the packaging or by your healthcare provider. Here are some general guidelines for proper storage:

Temperature: Store Cenforce 100 Mg tablets at room temperature, away from extreme heat or cold. Avoid storing them in places where temperatures fluctuate significantly, such as bathrooms or cars.

Moisture: Keep Cenforce 100 Mg tablets in a dry environment. Avoid storing them in humid areas or exposing them to moisture, as this can affect their stability and potency.

Light: Protect Cenforce 100 Mg tablets from light exposure by storing them in their original packaging or in a dark, opaque container.

Childproofing: Keep Cenforce 100 Mg tablets out of reach of children and pets to prevent accidental ingestion.

Expiration Date: Always check the expiration date on the packaging of Cenforce 100 Mg tablets before use. Do not use tablets that have expired, as they may not be as effective or safe.

By following these storage guidelines and using Cenforce 100 Mg tablets before their expiration date, you can ensure their potency and efficacy for the duration of their shelf life. If you have any questions or concerns about the shelf life or storage of Cenforce 100 Mg tablets, consult with your healthcare provider or pharmacist for guidance.


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